TNA Bound For Glory: Card
Postado por SKJ.

Three-Way Match To Crown A New TNA World Heavyweight Champion:
Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy;
Monster's Ball Match:
Rob Van Dam vs. "The Monster" Abyss;
Lethal Lockdown Match:
Ric Flair's Fourtune vs. EV2.0;
Handicap Match:
Sting, Kevin Nash e The Pope vs. Jeff Jarrett e Samoa Joe;
Tag Team Championship Match:
Motor City Machineguns vs. Generation Me;
X Division Championshp Match:
Douglas Williams vs. Jay Lethal;
Knockouts Championship Match:
Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne vs. Tara;
Tag Team Match:
Eric Young e Orlando Jordan vs. Ink Inc.
Etiquetas: Desporto, Internacional, Notícias, TNA